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Did you know that:
  • Acquiring new customers can cost up to five times as much as gaining repeat purchases from existing customers?
  • A 2 percent increase in customer retention has the same effect as cutting costs by 10 percent?
  • 80% of your company’s future revenue will come from 20% of your existing customers?       

Customer retention is so crucial for running a successful business, but many managers ignore its potential and instead try and focus on lead generation. Often, when it comes to customer retention, they don’t know where to start – it can seem like such a daunting area with so many different factors to consider. On top of that, a lot of the information out there is convoluted and confusing (as it is aimed towards academic audiences rather than business operators). But not any more!
Here at QIS Packaging, we’ve always taken customer retention seriously, and we make sure that our existing customers are always our first priority. And now, we’ve compiled all of our tips and techniques – as well as some additional research – into a comprehensive, yet easy to understand guide.
With over 50 pages of great content, including over 70 illustrations, you can dive straight in and learn all about customer retention and how you can use it to improve your bottom line.
Best of all? It’s free! Just visit the link below, fill out the form, and away you go!

We really hope you enjoy the guide – because we certainly enjoyed writing it. And remember, customer retention is key!